The purpose of this study was to analyze friendship attribute and intrinsic meaning of sports activity on adolescents in orphanage. This study was a mixed method research by using social network analysis and ethnography. 58 questionnaires were distributed for social network analysis and then in-depth interview with 6 adolescents and a teacher was performed in a orphanage. As a result, adolescents in same age and same room were apt to be connected each other and we could not find that some adolescents who have illness were isolated in the entitle friendship network. In addition, adolescents who participated in sports activity had higher betweenness score and happiness than adolescents who did not participate in sports activity. Furthermore, adolescents who participated in sports activity had lower depression than adolescents who did not participate in sports activity. Finally, adolescents who participated in sports activity played a key role to link with adolescents who has illness and adolescents who live in different room. Based on this results of network analysis, in-depth interview, and participant observation, the intrinsic meanings of sports activity were categorized as follow: formation of new friendship and relax from hierarchical friendship, medium of friendship, cure of psychological pain and hope and self-reliance.
The Relationships between Integration through Sport, Acculturative Stress, and Sociocultural Adaptation among Migrants in Germany 스포츠 사회통합정책과 이주민의 문화변용 스트레스, 사회문화적응
민두식MinDoosik , 조성식ChoSeongsik
55(5) 17-28, 2016
The Relationships between Integration through Sport, Acculturative Stress, and Sociocultural Adaptation among Migrants in Germany 스포츠 사회통합정책과 이주민의 문화변용 스트레스, 사회문화적응
민두식MinDoosik , 조성식ChoSeongsik
This research investigated the relationships between sport club experiences, acculturative stress and sociocultural adaptation among migrants in Germany. Using the purposive sampling method, the questionnaire was employed and data were collected from migrants aged more than 14 years who have been living in Germany at least 1 year and participating in German sport clubs for more than 3 months which are registered with German Olympic Sport Confederation. Based on exploratory factor analysis, correlation and multiple regression analysis using SPSS 21.0, the research revealed three main effects. First, it shows that sport club experiences, acculturative stress, and sociocultural adaptation are related each other. Second, it discovers that staff, trainers and sport programs from sport club experiences alleviate acculturative stress such as perceived hate, perceived discrimination, cultural shock, homesick. Third, sociocultural adaptation such as interpersonal communication, interaction and academic/work performance is positively affected by staff, trainers, peers and sport programs.
Key Words
integration through sport, sport club, acculturative stress, sociocultural adaptation
Retirement Circumstances and Social Adaptation Experience in the Re-socialization Process of Badminton Players 배드민턴 선수들의 은퇴상황과 재사회화 과정에서 사회적응 경험
장성호JangSung-ho , 김인형KimIn-hyung
55(5) 29-41, 2016
Retirement Circumstances and Social Adaptation Experience in the Re-socialization Process of Badminton Players 배드민턴 선수들의 은퇴상황과 재사회화 과정에서 사회적응 경험
장성호JangSung-ho , 김인형KimIn-hyung
This study targets retired badminton players as its research object and examines their reasons for retirement and psychological status. It aims to review the process of re-socialization and their social adaptation experience, and conduct an in-depth analysis of the result. To deduce the result appropriate for the purpose of this study, qualitative research method was chosen. As for the research participants, this study selected 7 retired athletes who used to play in semiprofessional teams and have the level of experience of a national team player and are currently adapting to society. Collected data was transcribed and converted to texts, and the following result was deduced through the analytic process of categorization and conceptualization of meanings. First, the badminton players` reasons for retirement included concerns about career, injury, and conflicts in the organization, and their psychological status involved feeling of freedom due to voluntary retirement and the feeling of loss due to involuntary or complex retirement. Second, the re-socialization of retired badminton players is made through acquaintances and club activities participation through the social network . Third, the experience of adapting to society during the process of re-socialization involved difficulties due to the technical difficulties in social relationships and a fear of an unstable job.
Key Words
re-socialization process, social adaptation experience, retirement circumstances, retired badminton player
The Analysis of Self-Efficacy and Sport Self-Confidence of the Athletes 운동선수의 스포츠 자신감과 자아효능감 분석
55(5) 43-55, 2016
The Analysis of Self-Efficacy and Sport Self-Confidence of the Athletes 운동선수의 스포츠 자신감과 자아효능감 분석
The purpose of this study is to verify analysis of self-efficacy and self-confidence of the athletes. The subjects of this study were selected 200 athletes who have a highschool athletes in Seoul. The data-collecting method use of self-confidence by Kim(1999) and self-efficacy by Kim(2002) & Lee(2003). The Descriptive Statistical Analysis Correlation Analysis and Regression Analysis As a result, Frist, family interest, motivation, mentor & hobby which is sport-state/trait affected confidence. Second, family interest, motivation, mentor & hobby which is affected self-efficacy. Third, sport-trait confidence which is affected self-efficacy.
Key Words
athletes, self-confidence, self-efficacy
An Analysis on the Media Report Frames and Contents regarding SPORTS TOTO Business 체육진흥투표권 관련 언론보도 프레임 및 내용분석
55(5) 57-76, 2016
An Analysis on the Media Report Frames and Contents regarding SPORTS TOTO Business 체육진흥투표권 관련 언론보도 프레임 및 내용분석
The purpose of the study was to analyze media report frames and the contents written about SPORTS TOTO. A total of 590 media reports regarding SPORTS TOTO business pressed by four major press companies of KBS, MBC, Chosun Ilbo, and Hankyoreh Shinmun during 2001 to 2013 was collected and analyzed using deductive and inductive methods. The results show that media reports were divided by nine categories and several report frames were utilized in each category. In ‘SPORTS TOTO business, management, and advertisement’ category, SPORTS TOTO advertisement frame was mostly utilized, and in ‘matching fixing’ and ‘entertainers’ involvement in illegal sport toto’ categories, reporting fact frame was mostly used. In ‘private/illegal toto’ category, arrest/exposure/imprisonment/punishment frame was mostly used, and in ‘profits from TOTO and support fund’ category, economics frame was mainly utilized. Meanwhile, in regards to reporting ‘side effects from TOTO’ category, media mostly used youth addiction frame, while controversy frame was mostly used in both introduction of electronic card category and amendment of tax law in sport betting promotion category in attempt to reflect the controversies between sport groups and the government.
Key Words
SPORTS TOTO, media report frame, content analysis, tendency of media report, media strategy
Personality Development through Participating in Girls` High School Group Marathon 여자고등학생 단체 마라톤 참가를 통한 인성함양
이선호SeonHoLee , 임수원SooWoenLim , 박성혜SungHyePark
55(5) 77-90, 2016
Personality Development through Participating in Girls` High School Group Marathon 여자고등학생 단체 마라톤 참가를 통한 인성함양
이선호SeonHoLee , 임수원SooWoenLim , 박성혜SungHyePark
The purpose of this study is to investigate changes that occurred in everyday life of female high school students and how their personality developed through group marathon. To achieve the research objective, this study conducted a case study, one of the intellectual traditions of qualitative study. For research participants, 9 students from K Girls` High School who are participating regularly in marathon were selected using purposeful sampling method. Data was collected through in-depth interview, participant observation, and collection of related data, and text analysis was conducted on the collected data. The deduced results are as follows. First, changes in daily lives of female high school students through participating in group marathon included healthier lifestyle, interest and challenge to exercise, strengthened target consciousness, and enthusiastic attitude toward learning. Secondly, personality cultivation of female high school students through participating in group marathon included changes in self-confidence, formation of consideration between friends, development of team spirit, formation of trust and respect between teacher and student, and strengthened family affection.
Key Words
여자고등학생, 단체 마라톤, 인성함양, female high school students, group marathon, personality cultivation
The Structural Relationship among Gymnasts` Athletic Stress, Self-Management, and the Intention to Give up in the Middle 기계체조선수들의 운동스트레스와 자기관리, 중도포기의도의 구조적 관계
55(5) 91-104, 2016
The Structural Relationship among Gymnasts` Athletic Stress, Self-Management, and the Intention to Give up in the Middle 기계체조선수들의 운동스트레스와 자기관리, 중도포기의도의 구조적 관계
The purpose of this study is to compare the difference of influence by verifying the mediating effect of self-management and the moderating effect of gender in the relationship between athletic stress and intention to give up in the middle, which gymnasts perceived. In this study, a survey was conducted on all athletics in high school division or higher who participated in national competitions in 2016, and analyzed the survey based on the study purpose and by following an appropriate procedure. First, the study evaluated the suitability and the validity of collected data through confirmatory factor analysis, measurement model analysis, and correlation analysis among the observed variables. According to the results drawn through the structural equation model analysis, first, athletic stress had a positive (+) influence on self-management. Second, self-management had a negative (=) influence on the intention to give up in the middle. Third, athletic stress had a positive (+) influence on the intention to give up in the middle. Fourth, self-management partially mediated the relationship between athletic stress and the intention to give up in the middle. Lastly, the moderating effect was verified as female athletes showed a stronger influence in the difference of influence by gender.
Key Words
Gymnasts, Athletic stress, Self-management, Intention to give up in the middle
Relationship among Coach-Athlete Relationship, Exercise Passion, and Perceived Performance of High School Athletes 고등학교 운동선수의 코치-선수관계와 운동열정 및 인지된 경기력의 관계
55(5) 105-115, 2016
Relationship among Coach-Athlete Relationship, Exercise Passion, and Perceived Performance of High School Athletes 고등학교 운동선수의 코치-선수관계와 운동열정 및 인지된 경기력의 관계
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship among coach-athlete relationship, exercise passion, and perceived performance of high school athletes. Through convenience sampling method, selected 305 survey questionnaires were used for final analysis from physical education high school athletes. With the collected data confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed by SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. The results of the analysis were summarized as follows. First, the complementarity impacts positively(+) influence on harmonious passion, and the commitment and complementarity impacts positively(+) influence on obsessive passion. Second, the commitment and complementarity impacts positively(+), but closeness impacts negatively(-) influence on perceived performance. Third, the harmonious passion and obsessive passion impacts positively(+) influence on perceived performance. Fourth, the exercise passion was revealed to function as a mediator on the relationship between coach-athlete relationship and perceived performance.
Key Words
coach-athlete relationship, exercise passion, perceived performance, high school athletes
Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Ecological Model to Explain Exercise Intention 운동의도 설명을 위한 계획된 행동이론과 사회생태학적 모델의 통합
이윤구LeeYoon-gu , 서광봉SuhKwang-bong
55(5) 117-125, 2016
Integrating the Theory of Planned Behavior and Social Ecological Model to Explain Exercise Intention 운동의도 설명을 위한 계획된 행동이론과 사회생태학적 모델의 통합
이윤구LeeYoon-gu , 서광봉SuhKwang-bong
Most of health behavioral research were conducted with only individual psychological variables. The purpose of this study was to integrate the theory of planned behavior and social ecological model to explain exercise intention through multilateral approaches. 50s male 252 exercise participants were used in the final data analysis. Reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, correlation analysis, structural equation modeling were used to analyze. The results indicated that physical environment has a positive influence on the subjective norm. Attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control have positive influence on intention. Lastly, Social environment has a positive influence on the attitude. According to the results of this study, it will be able to contribute to integration of theoretical model for various health behavior and also help to develop intervention for physical activity promotion.
Key Words
exercise intention, physical environment, social environment, theory of planned behavior, social ecological model
The Causal Effects Among Participants`Curiosity, Perceived Exertion, and Exercise Emotion on Exercise Adherence Behavior in Marine Leisure Sports 해양레저스포츠의 참여자 호기심, 운동강도, 운동정서가 운동지속행동에 미치는 영향
김성문KimSungMun , 최만식ChoiManSik
55(5) 127-142, 2016
The Causal Effects Among Participants`Curiosity, Perceived Exertion, and Exercise Emotion on Exercise Adherence Behavior in Marine Leisure Sports 해양레저스포츠의 참여자 호기심, 운동강도, 운동정서가 운동지속행동에 미치는 영향
김성문KimSungMun , 최만식ChoiManSik
The purpose of this study was to clarify the casual effects among participants`curiosity, the perceived exertion and the exercise emotion on the exercise adherence behavior in marine leisure sports. The subjects for the study was 491 students who registered for the curriculum on marine leisure sports(SCUBA diving, Windsurfing, Yacht). They answered to 4 kinds of questionnaires. The descriptive analysis and the reliability analysis were accomplished through SPSS 18.0. The correlation analysis and the confirmatory factor analysis were conducted for verifying the validity of the research model with AMOS 18.0. The verification for the structure equation modeling was conducted to investigate the casual relationship among factors. The results was as follows. First, there was the causality between the participants`curiosity on the marine leisure sports and the exercise emotion, the emotion and the exercise adherence behavior, the curiosity and the behavior. Also, the exercise emotion was the partial mediating variable of the causality between the curiosity and the exercise adherence behavior. Seconds, when the exercise intensity was heavy, the rate of the positive emotion was low and the opposite was high. When the exercise intensity was heavy, the probability, predisposing and reinforcing were low. A strong will for doing exercise showed in case the exercise emotion was positive with high probability, predisposing and reinforcing. The exercise emotion was the partial mediating variable of the causality between the perceived exertion and the exercise adherence behavior.
The Relationship Between Sports Participation Motivation, Participation Satisfaction and Exercise Adherence Intention of Physical Disability Persons Participating in Screen Sports 스크린 스포츠에 참여하는 지체기능장애인들의 참여동기와 참여만족 및 운동지속의도의 관계
안정훈AnJung-hun , 김상태KimSang-tai
55(5) 143-154, 2016
The Relationship Between Sports Participation Motivation, Participation Satisfaction and Exercise Adherence Intention of Physical Disability Persons Participating in Screen Sports 스크린 스포츠에 참여하는 지체기능장애인들의 참여동기와 참여만족 및 운동지속의도의 관계
안정훈AnJung-hun , 김상태KimSang-tai
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between the participation motivation, participation satisfaction and exercise adherence intention of physical disability persons participating in screen sports. In order to achieve these purposes, a questionnaire survey was conducted with 171 people with physical disabilities who participated in screen sports. Results are as follows. 1. participation motivation. In the age, the 10 and 20 age groups high level than the 30 and 40 age groups in the "motivation to pursue pleasure". In the exercise experience, the higher players appeared high level than other players in the "motivation to pursue pleasure". 2. participation satisfaction. In the age, the 10 and 20 age groups high level than the 30 and 40 age groups in the "psychological satisfaction". In the exercises experience, the higher players appeared high level than other players in the "psychological satisfaction". 3. exercise adherence intention. In the exercise experience, the higher players appeared high level than other players in the "predisposing". 4. The influence that participation motivation and participation satisfaction types have on exercise adherence intention are "motivation to pursue pleasure", "environmental satisfaction", "psychological satisfaction" and "motivation to pursue fitness and health".
The Effect of Coach`s Leadership Perceived by Basketball Athletes in Middle and High School on Interdependence and Organizational Commitment 중·고등학교 농구선수들이 지각하는 지도자의 리더십과 조직몰입의 관계에서 상호의존성의 매개효과
하은주HaEunJoo , 최예림ChoiYeLim
55(5) 155-164, 2016
The Effect of Coach`s Leadership Perceived by Basketball Athletes in Middle and High School on Interdependence and Organizational Commitment 중·고등학교 농구선수들이 지각하는 지도자의 리더십과 조직몰입의 관계에서 상호의존성의 매개효과
하은주HaEunJoo , 최예림ChoiYeLim
The purpose of This study was to verify the effect of coach`s leadership perceived by basketball athletes in middle and high schools on organizational commitment and investigate mediating effect on interdependence. The data of 444 athletes in middle and high schools were selected as the sample by using non-probability sampling. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 18.0 for frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, descriptive statistical analysis, correlation analysis, and structure equation analysis. The results of analysis are follows; First of all, coach`s leadership perceived by basketball athletes in middle and high schools had positive effect on organizational commitment. Secondly, coach`s leadership perceived by basketball athletes in middle and high school had positive effect on interdependence, and interdependence had positively affect organizational commitment. Lastly, interdependence of the athletes partially mediated the relationship between coach`s leadership perceived by basketball athletes in middle and high schools and organizational commitment.
Mediation Effects of Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Perceived Health Status and Self-Esteem in the Elderly from a Health Sports Program 건강운동프로그램에 참여하는 노인의 주관적 건강과 자아존중감의 관계에서 자기효능감의 매개효과 검증
최원민ChoiWon-min , 윤흥한YoonHeung-han , 이지항LeeJi-hang
55(5) 165-175, 2016
Mediation Effects of Self-Efficacy on the Relationship Between Perceived Health Status and Self-Esteem in the Elderly from a Health Sports Program 건강운동프로그램에 참여하는 노인의 주관적 건강과 자아존중감의 관계에서 자기효능감의 매개효과 검증
최원민ChoiWon-min , 윤흥한YoonHeung-han , 이지항LeeJi-hang
The purpose of this study was to identify the mediating effect of Self-Efficacy on the relationship between the Perceived Health and Self-Esteem in the Elderly from a Health Sports Program. A total 278 questionnaires were collected from the elderly in Seoul area. Using the PASW 18.0 and AMOS 18.0, descriptive statistical analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and structure equation analysis were performed. As a result, First, Perceived Health Status of the elderly peoples had a positive effect on Self-Esteem. Secondly, Self-Efficacy of the elderly had a positive effect on Self-Esteem. Lastly, Self-Efficacy of the elderly peoples fully mediated the relationship between Perceived Health Status and Self-Esteem. These results confirmed the hypothesized relationship among Self-Efficacy, Perceived Health Status and Self-Esteem in Elderly, warranting the mediating effect of Self-Efficacy on the relationship between Perceived Health and Self-Esteem of Elderly people.
Key Words
Perceived Health Status, Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, Elderly people, Mediating effect
Men doing yoga: Formation Process of Yoga Practicing System for Male Adults 요가 하는 남자들: 성인 남성의 요가 수련체계 형성 과정
55(5) 177-191, 2016
Men doing yoga: Formation Process of Yoga Practicing System for Male Adults 요가 하는 남자들: 성인 남성의 요가 수련체계 형성 과정
This study was conducted to explore the formation process of yoga practicing system for male adults based on grounded theoretical approach. By theoretical sampling, 8 male adults were selected who have been practicing yoga more than twice a week, for over a year and data were collected through in-depth interviewing. In an analysis on the data, concepts were deduced and paradigm was structured based on grounded theoretical approach (Strauss & Corbin, 1996). According to study results, ‘practicing yoga’ has been seen as core phenomenon. It was found that traditional awareness on yoga, searching for the best physical activities, and psychological expectation effect caused the core phenomenon. Contextual conditions such as prevalence of appearance management among men and recommendations from others, concerns about the health have been found. With regard to intervening conditions, interrupting and precipitating factors for practicing yoga had effects on the core phenomenon. Interaction strategies have been observed such as professional interests, online and offline activities and practicing yoga in earnest, and according to these interaction strategies, yoga practicing system for male adults was formed. That is, male adults became aware of their physical and psychological conditions and changes through practicing yoga and this led them to reform their awareness on yoga and become assured of the value of yoga.
Key Words
Yoga, Male, Grounded Theory
Mediation Effects of Autonomous-Controlled Behavior Regulation and Subject Interest on the Relationship Between Caring Climate Perceived and Task Persistence in Physical Education Class 체육수업에서 지각된 케어링 분위기와 과제지속의 관계에서 자율적-통제적 행동조절과 교과흥미도의 매개효과
송기현SongKi-hyun , 김승용KimSeung-yong
55(5) 193-207, 2016
Mediation Effects of Autonomous-Controlled Behavior Regulation and Subject Interest on the Relationship Between Caring Climate Perceived and Task Persistence in Physical Education Class 체육수업에서 지각된 케어링 분위기와 과제지속의 관계에서 자율적-통제적 행동조절과 교과흥미도의 매개효과
송기현SongKi-hyun , 김승용KimSeung-yong
The purpose of this study was to inquire into the structural relationship between caring climate perceived in physical education class and behavior regulation, subject interest and task persistence. To achieve such a study purpose, this study selected a total 409 copies as a final valid sample using convenience sampling targeting the students at a middle school located in a metropolitan area. For data processing, this study conducted a hypothesis test after confirming the goodness of fit test of the whole model using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0, and the results are as follows: First, caring climate was found to positively predict autonomous regulation of behavior regulation, and to have a negative influence on controlled regulation. Second, caring climate was found to have a positive influence on subject interest. Third, the results revealed that students`autonomous regulation in PE class had a significant influence on task persistence while controlled regulation had a negative influence on task persistence. Fourth, subject interest was found to have a significant influence on task persistence. Fifth, caring climate was found not to have a significant influence on task persistence. Lastly, behavior regulation and subject interest in the relation between caring climate and task persistence was found to play a mediated role.
How did they feel about themselves after supporting their children?: Focusing on the Suffering of Professional Football Player Parents 그들은 뒷바라지를 통해 무엇을 느꼈는가?: 프로축구선수 부모를 대상으로
강현희KangHyun-hee , 최덕묵ChoiDuk-muk , 엄혁주EumHyok-ju
55(5) 209-223, 2016
How did they feel about themselves after supporting their children?: Focusing on the Suffering of Professional Football Player Parents 그들은 뒷바라지를 통해 무엇을 느꼈는가?: 프로축구선수 부모를 대상으로
강현희KangHyun-hee , 최덕묵ChoiDuk-muk , 엄혁주EumHyok-ju
This study aimed at finding out what the Korea Football Association (KFA) and the state should provide in a policy by exploring the meaning of support from football players` parents. To this end, the phenomenological qualitative research method was used. This research included four parents of former and current professional football players as the subjects of the study. As for research method, the semi-structured interview, unstructured interview and conversational interview were employed to get the stories about the parents supporting their children. From the collected data, three empirical meanings have been drawn and classified using the phenomenological data analysis method. The three meanings revealed financial difficulty (financial supporting in the juvenile period, the period when the most support is needed, and little reward for Korean football players), difficulty in physical development (supporting physical development in the juvenile period, concerns over the inadequate physical development in adolescence, and limitation in supporting physical development) and difficulty in personality (the importance of home education, a turning point in personality maturation, and growing up as a respectable player).
Key Words
supporting. football player, parents, economic problems, fitness issues difficulties, problem of character
A Phenomenological Study On Physical Activity Experiences Of Multicultural Youth 다문화청소년들의 체육활동 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구
김동환KimDong-whan , 김동학KimDong-hak
55(5) 225-235, 2016
A Phenomenological Study On Physical Activity Experiences Of Multicultural Youth 다문화청소년들의 체육활동 경험에 관한 현상학적 연구
김동환KimDong-whan , 김동학KimDong-hak
The purpose of this study was to understand the experiences of multicultural youth who participated in sports activities and observed changes and phenomenon as a way to solve the social problems caused by the increased number of multicultural youth. The phenomenological method applied to achieve the result. To meet the selection criteria, data collection completed through observation of eight selected participants and through in-depth interviews. First, result appeared that the phenomenological analysis as a joy of physical education, get-to-know the physical abilities, and a joy of dodgeball. Second, it showed that the multicultural participants easily became friends after focused physical activities. Third, multiculturalism appeared as a one global culture through variety of physical education. In conclusion, overall results confirmed that the physically acquired experiences from sports activities could be a phenomenon that plays a major role in the social integration of multicultural youth. As last proposal, in-depth study of the harmonious multicultural and general youth culture, and successful development of program that contribute to the social integration are necessary.
Key Words
Multicultural youth, Physical activities, Social integration
Developing The Elements and Index of Core Competency for Students-Athletes in Secondary Level 중등학교 학생선수 핵심 역량 요소 및 지표 개발
유정애YouJeongAe , 차은주ChaEunJoo
55(5) 237-248, 2016
Developing The Elements and Index of Core Competency for Students-Athletes in Secondary Level 중등학교 학생선수 핵심 역량 요소 및 지표 개발
유정애YouJeongAe , 차은주ChaEunJoo
The purpose of this study is to develop the elements and index of student athletes` core competency required to perform successfully on learning subject matters and playing sports. For this, document analysis, focus group interviewing, informal meetings are made to indicate, revise, and construct the elements and index of student athletes` core competency. First, it was examined preceding research related to concept of core competency, explored core competency component and distinct behavior characteristics of student athletes, and developed preliminary index of key competencies. Also, throughout focus group interviewing consisting of faculty members in Physical Education and P.E teachers coaching student athletes, the elements and index have been evaluated and revised. To check the index validity of student athletes` core competency, selected three experts have examined the elements and index of key competency. Finally, two domains(personal competency and social competency), six competency elements(identity perception, career development, self-management, communication and empathy, leadership, & creative convergence), 17 competency index, and 61 behavior index are decided. Those elements and index indicated in this study would be helpful for student-athletes to develop their potentials and abilities in a systematic manner. Additionally, they would be successfully used to make effective educational programs for student-athletes.
Key Words
student athletes, core competency, competency indicator, behavior index
Association of School Sport Club participation with Character, School Life Satisfaction, Life Attitude, and Educational Attitude among School Students in Korea: A Systematic Review 학교스포츠클럽 활동 참여와 초·중·고등학생의 인성, 학교생활만족도, 생활·학습태도의 관계: 체계적 문헌고찰
Association of School Sport Club participation with Character, School Life Satisfaction, Life Attitude, and Educational Attitude among School Students in Korea: A Systematic Review 학교스포츠클럽 활동 참여와 초·중·고등학생의 인성, 학교생활만족도, 생활·학습태도의 관계: 체계적 문헌고찰
The policy regarding school sport club participation that was implemented in 2007 to mitigate reductions in fitness has been reported to be satisfactory at improving the physical, mental, and social health of elementary, middle, and high school students by the students as well as by their teachers and parents. The purpose of this systematic review is to investigate the association between participation in school sport club and character-building among adolescents in Korea, and to provide evidence to inform physical education policies in the future. Using “School Sport Club” as the key word, the Korean electronic databases were searched, and this systematic review included a total of 13 articles. School sport club participation among school students is closely correlated to character-building, prevention of school violence, attitude towards life and attitude toward education. The findings of this study support the Ministry of Education`s new policy (2015) to extend and expand school sport club participation and highlights the importance of physical activity.
Key Words
School sport club, Character-building, School violence prevention, Life attitude, Educational attitude
Study on instructional culture and educational possibilities of college general physical education course. : A case study of K University 대학 교양체육 수업 문화와 교육적 가능성 탐색: K대학교 수업사례를 중심으로
김은혜KimEunHye , 류태호YuTaeho
55(5) 263-278, 2016
Study on instructional culture and educational possibilities of college general physical education course. : A case study of K University 대학 교양체육 수업 문화와 교육적 가능성 탐색: K대학교 수업사례를 중심으로
김은혜KimEunHye , 류태호YuTaeho
The purpose of this study is to look into the instructional culture of general physical education courses in college and to reveal educational values within interaction between instructor and students. For this, an ethnographic case study was conducted of six students who were chosen as main interviewees for participating in the course continuously. Here are the outcomes. First, in order to be introduced to lifetime physical activity which is the purpose of general physical education, instructor carried out various teaching methods such as ``introducing oneself``, ``team competition``, ``rule modification for individual difference``, and ``keeping personal record card``. Second, instructor`s teaching enabled students to experience and learn positive culture such as encounter, interest, confidence, and accomplishment. Third, experienced general physical education culture, student`s body, relationship and value had broadened further showing these would form the basis of lifetime physical activity. In conclusion, this study would be helpful for understanding the essence of general physical education course and identify its educational possibilities.
Key Words
general physical education, instructional culture, lifetime physical activity
The development and validation of the sport career interest inventory for student-athletes 학생선수를 위한 체육진로흥미검사지 개발 및 타당도 검증
The purpose of the study is to develop a Sport Career Interest Inventory which measures individual`s level of interest in sport related occupations and to evaluate psychometric attributes of the inventory. In order to collect possible items for the inventory, preliminary items were retrieved from previous literature and panel of experts. The retrieved items were screened through two auditing with experts. The final items were reviewed in terms of content validity and the items were analyzed with exploratory factor analysis. The whole process resulted in four factors with 62 items. A pilot test was done using the 62 items. The pilot test collected the data from 32 high school student-athletes. And a main study collected data from 141 middle and high school student-athletes. The results of the current study indicated that the psychometric properties of the Sport Career Interest Inventory was as sound as expected. The Sport Career Interest Inventory can be widely used for the future career development of student-athletes in middle and high school.
Key Words
sport career interest inventory, sport occupational theme, student-athletes, sport career education
Analyzing the relationship between Sports Commitment and Behavioral Intention of Sports Wearable Devices through UTAUT Model UTAUT 모델을 통한 여가스포츠 참여자의 스포츠몰입과 웨어러블 디바이스 수용 간의 관계
전성범ChunSungBum , 임진선LimJinSun , 이철원Lee,ChulWon
55(5) 291-306, 2016
Analyzing the relationship between Sports Commitment and Behavioral Intention of Sports Wearable Devices through UTAUT Model UTAUT 모델을 통한 여가스포츠 참여자의 스포츠몰입과 웨어러블 디바이스 수용 간의 관계
전성범ChunSungBum , 임진선LimJinSun , 이철원Lee,ChulWon
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship between Sports commitment and Behavioral intention of wearable device among sports participants through UTAUT model. Convenience sampling was conducted and 239 questionnaires from various sports participants were analyzed after data cleaning. SPSS ver 21 and AMOS 20.0 software were used to anayze the collected data. As a result, first, the main 4 factors of UTAUT had positive effect on Behavioral intention and Use behavior but Sports commitment was not statistically related to Behavioral intention. Second, the full mediation effect of UTAUT main factors between Sports commitment and Behavioral intention were verified.
Key Words
UTAUT model, Sports Commitment, Wearable devices, Mediation effect of UTAUT
Importance-Performance Analysis of Primary School Sports Club using IPA Method 초등학교 학교스포츠클럽의 효율적 수업구성을 위한 IPA기법을 활용한 중요도-만족도 분석
김형남KimHyung-nam , 김수잔KimSusan
55(5) 307-319, 2016
Importance-Performance Analysis of Primary School Sports Club using IPA Method 초등학교 학교스포츠클럽의 효율적 수업구성을 위한 IPA기법을 활용한 중요도-만족도 분석
김형남KimHyung-nam , 김수잔KimSusan
The purpose of this study was to measure and compare the importance and satisfaction level of school sports club factors using the IPA method. In order to achieve this goal, 307 primary school students were selected by the convenience sampling method and surveyed. Analysis consisted of paired samples t-test using the SPSS Window statistical package program (20.0 version), and the results are as follows. First, there were differences between the degree of importance and satisfaction for factors of class content, class method, class environment, class evaluation. Second, ``Keep up the good work`` factors included fun, diversity, question and answer, options, encourage participation, objectivity, trust and respect, student management, ``Concentrate here`` factors included facilities, arouses interest, equal opportunity, ``Low priority`` factors included understanding of contents, students characteristics, perform exercises, degree of improvement, understanding of knowledge, fairness, Also, ``Possible overkill`` factors were shown to be exercise ability, acquisition of knowledge and enhance ability to think.
Key Words
importance-satisfaction, school sports club, IPA method
Activation Strategy for Taekwondo Industry: Focusing on Franchise Business Model of Taekwondo-Gym 태권도 산업 활성화 전략: 태권도장의 프랜차이즈 사업 방식을 중심으로
조운용ChoOun-yong , 신선윤ShinSun-yun
55(5) 321-339, 2016
Activation Strategy for Taekwondo Industry: Focusing on Franchise Business Model of Taekwondo-Gym 태권도 산업 활성화 전략: 태권도장의 프랜차이즈 사업 방식을 중심으로
조운용ChoOun-yong , 신선윤ShinSun-yun
The purpose of this study was to activate the Taekwondo industry based on the analysis of the Taekwondo franchise. Contents of the research are as follows. This study analyzed the current situation of domestic and oversea Taekwondo-gym which is franchise form. Specifically, this study examined the business organization shape, size, revenue structure of Taekwondo franchise in the United States and South Korea. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, in-depth interviews and surveys were conducted. The survey was targeted at 240 Taekwondo Master who manage the Taekwondo-Gym in Korea. And the questionnaire was consisted of questions for the overall development for the derivation of Taekwondo franchise. Based on results of the survey and interviews from operators of Taekwondo-Gym in Korea and overseas, the goal of this study is to suggest a direction of improvement as well as structural improvement for the Taekwondo franchise. Our overall approach was to identify issues need to be urgently improved. The anticipated outcome of our research identify following areas for subject for change. Overall improvements from human resource management, training programs by franchise, marketing strategies, and professionalism by franchise headquarters are required in order to promote the industry.
Key Words
Taekwondo, Taekwondo Franchise, Taekwondo-Gym, Franchise Business
The Influence of Customer Verbal Aggression Experience on Emotional Exhaustion, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention of Golf Caddies 골프장 캐디의 고객언어폭력 경험이 감정고갈, 직무만족, 이직의도에 미치는 영향
서효민SeoHyo-min , 이건호LeeKeon-ho
55(5) 341-355, 2016
The Influence of Customer Verbal Aggression Experience on Emotional Exhaustion, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention of Golf Caddies 골프장 캐디의 고객언어폭력 경험이 감정고갈, 직무만족, 이직의도에 미치는 영향
서효민SeoHyo-min , 이건호LeeKeon-ho
The human rights of golf caddies have emerged as a serious social issue. Especially, their working environments were threatened by verbal aggression of customers. The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of customer verbal aggression on emotional exhaustion, job satisfaction, and turnover intention of golf caddies. Total 250 questionnaires were distributed and 226 were used for practical analysis. The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling using PASW 18.0 and AMOS 18.0. The results of this study were as followers: First, customer verbal aggression had significant effects on emotional exhaustion and job satisfaction, but the impact on turnover intention was non-significant. Seconds, emotional exhaustion had significant effects on job satisfaction and turnover intention. Third, the relationship between customer verbal aggression and job satisfaction was partially mediated by emotional exhaustion and the relationship between customer verbal aggression and turnover intention was perfectly mediated by emotional exhaustion.
The Relationship between the Public`s Attitude, Perceived Motivation and CSR Congruence for Sports Public Institutions: Focus on the Sports Betting Business 스포츠공익기관의 CSR활동 적합성과 동기지각 및 공중의 태도와의 관계 : 스포츠베팅사업을 중심으로
김주용KimJu-yong , 임태성LimTae-seoung
55(5) 357-374, 2016
The Relationship between the Public`s Attitude, Perceived Motivation and CSR Congruence for Sports Public Institutions: Focus on the Sports Betting Business 스포츠공익기관의 CSR활동 적합성과 동기지각 및 공중의 태도와의 관계 : 스포츠베팅사업을 중심으로
김주용KimJu-yong , 임태성LimTae-seoung
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among the public`s attitude, perceived motivation and CSR congruence for sports public institutions and to verify the mediating effects of perceived motivation variable in the relationship between CSR congruence and the public`s attitude. This study analyzed a survey answered by a available sample of 416 people among paid online panel who were perceived sports betting as legitimate business. In order to analyze data, frequency analysis, correlation analysis, structural equation model analysis, chi-square, bootstrapping, covariance analysis were used for this study. Findings of this study were as follows: First, CSR congruence had a positive(+) impact on the public`s attitude. Second, CSR congruence had a positive(+) impact on public interest-based CSR motivation and corporate-based CSR motivation. Third, public interest-based CSR motivation had a positive(+) impact on the public`s attitude, corporate-based CSR motivation had a negative(-) impact on the public`s attitude. Fourth, perceived motivation played a role in mediating between CSR congruence and the public`s attitude. Through verification of mediating effects, it was proved that public interest-based perceived motivation has fully mediation effect and corporate-based perceived motivation does partly mediation effect.
The Effect of Early Childhood Educational Institute Directors of Attributes for Selecting Physical Education Institutes for Preschooler on Relationship Quality and Loyalty 유아교육기관장의 유아체육교육기관에 대한 선택속성이 관계품질 및 충성도에 미치는 영향
김동일KimDong-il , 조송현ChoSong-hyun , 추나영ChooNa-young
55(5) 375-385, 2016
The Effect of Early Childhood Educational Institute Directors of Attributes for Selecting Physical Education Institutes for Preschooler on Relationship Quality and Loyalty 유아교육기관장의 유아체육교육기관에 대한 선택속성이 관계품질 및 충성도에 미치는 영향
김동일KimDong-il , 조송현ChoSong-hyun , 추나영ChooNa-young
This study aims to find out the effect of attributes for selecting physical education institutions for preschooler by the director of early childhood education institutions on relationship quality and loyalty. The subjects were 254 directors of early childhood education institutions, which offer visiting physical education of physical education institutions for preschooler located in Busan and Gyeongnam Province, using convenience sampling method. 244 questionnaires of them were used for analysis. First, among attributes for selecting physical education institutions for preschooler recognized by the directors of early childhood education institutions, instructors qualification and the image of the institution had a positive influence on relationship satisfaction and all the four variables of early childhood education institutions directors` attributes had a positive effect on relationship trust. Second, among the four variables of attributes for selecting physical education institutions for preschooler recognized by the directors of early childhood education institutions, instructors qualification, tuition fee, and the image of the institution had a positive influence on loyalty. Third, both the two variables of relationship quality of the director of early childhood education institutions toward preschool physical education institutions had a positive influence on loyalty.
Analyzing articles covering Controversial Issues in regard with pyeongchang winter Olympic game : Mainly with Hangyeorye and Dong A newspaper 평창 동계 올림픽 관련 쟁점사항에 대한 신문보도 내용 분석: 한겨레와 동아일보를 중심으로
홍승후HongSeungHoo , 김범준KimBeomJun
55(5) 387-397, 2016
Analyzing articles covering Controversial Issues in regard with pyeongchang winter Olympic game : Mainly with Hangyeorye and Dong A newspaper 평창 동계 올림픽 관련 쟁점사항에 대한 신문보도 내용 분석: 한겨레와 동아일보를 중심으로
홍승후HongSeungHoo , 김범준KimBeomJun
The research has analyzed the number of the articles about the issues of Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, which are written up by two Korean major news paper companies, Hangyeorye and Dong A. The sum of all articles analyzed for the study was 183, Hangyeorye was 115 and Dong A was 68. The results are as follows. In regard of hosting competetion, Hangyeorye was shown to be more negative than Dong A. Also regarding particular pardon of Lee gun-hee, Hangyeorye and Dong A showed clear distinction of the view points. Hangyeorye expressed their negative opinion on the articles as well as the headline, on the other hand Dong A took supportive and positive stance to the issue. In regard of decentralized opening, both news papers seemed to fairly agree with that idea, however, a few of articles of Dong A opposed with it. Conversly, regarding expected effectiveness, Hangyeorye showed negative opinion and Dong A showed positive position. In regard of environmental issue, Hangyeorye reported articles opposing to environmental damage. Dong A reported similar opinion chiefly, though they showed neutral and favorable position to the development in some articles.
Developing Intercollegiate Sport Programs through Integrated Marketing Strategies: Based upon Korea University Sports Federation 통합마케팅 전략을 통한 대학스포츠 활성화 방안 : 한국대학스포츠총장협의회를 중심으로
Developing Intercollegiate Sport Programs through Integrated Marketing Strategies: Based upon Korea University Sports Federation 통합마케팅 전략을 통한 대학스포츠 활성화 방안 : 한국대학스포츠총장협의회를 중심으로
The purpose of this study was to propose marketing strategies of KUSF(Korea University Sports Federation) for stable financial structure and to investigate consumer reactions to each marketing program for collegiate sport programs. Two surveys were conducted. First survey was to investigate perception of college sports consumers for analyzing consumers`experience and behaviors. In this study, findings indicated that participating group watched college soccer and basketball games, visited for cheering colleges, and considered stadium location and schedules. Non-participating group showed that uninterested attitude were identified as the most constraining factors in revitalizing college sports. Second survey was administered to check consumers` reaction for improving perception of college sports by marketing activities of elicited by sports experts. The second surveys executed using university students, alumnus, and local residents. Findings indicated that the respondents preferred to local community marketing programs (i.e., facilities`opening of college sports, developing sport and exercise programs) and sharing talent campaign than other marketing activities. It can be concluded that KUSF should play a vital role in developing and implementing integrated marketing strategy in cooperation with interest groups to stabilize and vitalize college sport programs in Korea.
Key Words
Collegiate sports, integrated marketing strategy, KUSF, Korea university sports federation
Study on the Revitalization of National Sports for All Festival 전국생활체육대축전 활성화방안에 관한 연구
김영호KimYoung-ho , 이정래LeeJung-lea , 권기남KwonKi-nam
55(5) 411-421, 2016
Study on the Revitalization of National Sports for All Festival 전국생활체육대축전 활성화방안에 관한 연구
김영호KimYoung-ho , 이정래LeeJung-lea , 권기남KwonKi-nam
The purpose of this study was to figure out ways to revitalize National Sports for All Festival(NSAF). In order to carry it out, 280 people out of participants of NSAF were sampled. Through Importance-Performance Analysis, the results were as follows. First of all, there turned out to be significant difference in consumer values, convenience, cost and difference verification between communication traits when it comes to importance and satisfaction. The quadrantⅠincludes good use of leisure, improvement of athletic performance, sociality, and a sense of local belonging, access to NSAF facilities, communication among NSAF partcipants and so on. The quadrant Ⅱ includes NSAF program, financial support for NSAF, accident insurance for participants, communication with operators and managers, publicity and building of information system, connection with NSAF-related organizations and so on. The quadrant Ⅲ includes the scale of NSAF facilities and sufficient degree, utilization and management of NSAF facilities, NSAF membership codes and procedure, tax benefits for NSAF cost, fees for NSAF, donation to local community, exchanges with other social sports clubs and so on. On the basis of them, organization and operation of a range of programs, unified F/T composition, usefulness of funds and organized promotion system were presented as a way to revitalize NSAF.
Key Words
Revitalization, national sports for all Festival, Importance-Performance Analysis, consumer valus, convenience, cost
The Relationship Among Organization Culture of Fitness Center Staffs, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention 스포츠센터 구성원의 조직문화와 조직몰입 및 이직의도의 관계
55(5) 423-434, 2016
The Relationship Among Organization Culture of Fitness Center Staffs, Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention 스포츠센터 구성원의 조직문화와 조직몰입 및 이직의도의 관계
The aim of this study is to examine the relationship among organization culture of fitness center staffs, organizational commitment and turnover intention. To accomplish this research purpose, we set up the research hypothesis and model for examining it. The population for this study was working in fitness center located in Seoul province. The final 291 responses collected by convenience sampling were used in the data analysis procedure. The items for measuring were largely based on the survey data and the analysis was conducted using SPSS (Ver. 18.0) and AMOS (Ver. 8.0). We have finally reached the conclusion based on this research as follows: First, organization culture of fitness center staffs, influenced the organizational commitment positively. Second, organizational commitment of fitness center staffs, influenced the turnover intention negatively Third, organization culture of fitness center staffs of fitness center staffs, influenced the turnover intention negatively. Through the study of more than, pride organization member and smoothly communication and be immersed in organization should be the composition was confirmed that lower the turnover intention through this. which is thought to be the basis for managing fitness center organization.
Key Words
fitness center staffs, organization culture, organizational commitment, turnover intention
The Relationship among of Sports Event Participation Motivation in University, Departmental Identification and School Loyalty 대학내 스포츠이벤트 참여동기와 학과동일시 및 학교충성도의 관계 - H 대학교 H League를 중심으로-
장호중JangHo-jung , 김동현KimDong-hyun
55(5) 435-445, 2016
The Relationship among of Sports Event Participation Motivation in University, Departmental Identification and School Loyalty 대학내 스포츠이벤트 참여동기와 학과동일시 및 학교충성도의 관계 - H 대학교 H League를 중심으로-
장호중JangHo-jung , 김동현KimDong-hyun
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship among the relationship among of sports event participation motivation in university, departmental identification and school loyalty. To the population for this study was participants in sports event in university located in Kangwondo. The final 233 responses collected by convenience sampling were used in the data analysis procedure. The items for measuring sports event participate motivation were largely based on Ha(2006)s study, the items for measuring departmental identification were largely based on Shin(2012)s study, the items for measuring school loyalty were largely based on Kim(2009)s study. To analyze the final data, frequency analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation anaylsis, structural equation model analysis were used. The conclusions for this study were as followings. First, sociality of sports event participate motivation in university influenced departmental identification. Second, sociality of sports event participate motivation in university influenced school loyalty. Third, departmental identification of sports event participant in university influenced school loyalty.
Key Words
sports event, participate motivation, departmental identification, school loyalty
A study on improvement plan of Yon-Ko-Jeon as a gender equality sports event using the IPA IPA기법을 활용한 성 평등적 스포츠 이벤트로서 연고전의 개선방안
배재윤BaeJae-yoon , 원영신WonYoung-shin
55(5) 447-457, 2016
A study on improvement plan of Yon-Ko-Jeon as a gender equality sports event using the IPA IPA기법을 활용한 성 평등적 스포츠 이벤트로서 연고전의 개선방안
배재윤BaeJae-yoon , 원영신WonYoung-shin
The purpose of this study is to check awareness of ``the phenomenon of women`s alienation in Yon-Ko-Jeon`` to women students, and improve the gender equality for Yon-Ko-Jeon through IPA(Importance Performance Analysis). For this study, 322 women undergraduates at Yonsei University and Korea University, from sophomore to senior students, are selected and asked to be surveyed. At first, a majority of women students from two universities didn`t recognize the lack of women sports and athletes in Yon-Ko-Jeon. Moreover, they didn`t think about women`s alienation in Yon-Ko-Jeon as well as improvement for the issue seriously. It shows the life style of gender in the sport. Second, as a result of IPA, improvement plan of Yon-Ko-Jeon on gender equality shows it needs to reflect member`s opinion and introduce women sports clubs first. Recently, the improvement for the Yon-Ko-Joen is the top priority because the event doesn`t reflect member`s opinion. Furthermore, it shows that Yon-Ko-Jeon needs to introduce the competition of women`s club sports. These are what the event has to improve.
Key Words
Yon-Ko-Jeon, Sports Event, Gender Equality, Phenomenon of Women`s Alienation, IPA
Globalization Strategy After Listing Taekkyeon on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity 택견의 유네스코 인류무형유산 등재 이후 세계화 방안
55(5) 459-468, 2016
Globalization Strategy After Listing Taekkyeon on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity 택견의 유네스코 인류무형유산 등재 이후 세계화 방안
The purpose of this study is to suggest globalization strategy after listing taekkyeon on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. A result of this is as follows. First, taekkyeon was designated in June 1 1983, and was listed on the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. Second, ‘Act on the Promotion of Taekkyeon’ should be made to the internal and external promotion of taekkyeon. Third, an administrative unification system between taekkyeon organizations should be established. It is the cultivation of cooperation relations for intangible heritage conservation and training, standardization of game rules, and unification of international bridge of exchange. Fourth, standard technical system manual of taekkyeon should be made. Through this, standardized taekkyeon training system and way can be established. Fifth, a systematic training system of taekkyeon instructors should be built. Sixth, it is necessary to build a database(DB) for the use of taekkyeon techniques. Based on this, the foundation can be offered to make contents that can use taekkyeon.
Key Words
Taekkyeon, UNESCO, Intangible Heritage, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, Globalization
The Impact of a Sporting Event on Host Cities` Economies 스포츠이벤트의 지역경제파급효과
권웅KwonWoong , 성윤태SungYoonTae , 맹이섭MaengLeeSeob
55(5) 469-479, 2016
The Impact of a Sporting Event on Host Cities` Economies 스포츠이벤트의 지역경제파급효과
권웅KwonWoong , 성윤태SungYoonTae , 맹이섭MaengLeeSeob
The purpose of this study is to examine the degree to which Tour de Korea 2015 revitalized host cities`economies based on spectator expenditures. The study also estimates the potential impact of Tour de Korea 2016 on host cities`economies using projected spectator expenditures. The researchers surveyed 394 spectators to estimate the amounts spent in each business sector. Three multiplier coefficients were used to investigate the impact of Tour de Korea: sales output, value added, and employment. Overall, the researchers found that Tour de Korea 2015 reinvigorated local economies; each business sector benefitted from increases in all three categories. The food, transportation, entertainment, and copy/advertising sectors experienced the greatest economic benefits. Researchers also found that if the number of spectators at Tour de Korea 2016 is similar to Tour de Korea 2015 attendance, the positive economic impact will be even greater in 2016.
Key Words
sporting events, economic activity, tour de Korea, local economy, spectators
The Structural Relationship among golf club`s relationship marketing implement factors, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty 골프연습장의 관계마케팅 실행요인과 고객만족, 고객충성도와의 관계
김진국KimJin-kook , 김도훈KimDo-hun
55(5) 481-489, 2016
The Structural Relationship among golf club`s relationship marketing implement factors, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty 골프연습장의 관계마케팅 실행요인과 고객만족, 고객충성도와의 관계
김진국KimJin-kook , 김도훈KimDo-hun
This purpose of this study was to find out the impact among golf club`s relationship marketing implement factors, customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. For this paper, the subjects surveyed were customers of 5 golf clubs based in Gangwon-do. A total of 300 surveys were sent out, and 260 surveys were used for the final analysis after weighing of credibility. Survey data was processed by using SPSS Win ver 15.0 and Amos ver 7.0 for descriptive statistics, confirmatory factor analysis, internal consistency reliability, correlation analysis and path analysis. This result was as follows. Frist, professionalism and price of relationship marketing factor were found to have an impact on customer satisfaction. But customer relationship orientation, communication and place of relationship marketing factor were not found to have on impact on customer satisfaction. Second, customer satisfaction was found to have on impact on customer loyalty.
The Influence of Identification of Sports Nationalism Ads on Corporate Reputation and Brand Attitude 스포츠내셔널리즘광고의 동일시가, 기업명성, 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향
김진국KimJin-kook , 김도훈KimDo-hun , 김나래KimNa-rae
55(5) 491-499, 2016
The Influence of Identification of Sports Nationalism Ads on Corporate Reputation and Brand Attitude 스포츠내셔널리즘광고의 동일시가, 기업명성, 브랜드태도에 미치는 영향
김진국KimJin-kook , 김도훈KimDo-hun , 김나래KimNa-rae
This study aims to find out the relationship among Identification, Corporate Reputation and brand attitude from international sports event`s sports nationalism advertising viewer. For this paper, the subjects surveyed were university student based in metropolitan and Gangwon-do. A total of 349 surveys were used for the final analysis after weighing of credibility. This paper was used questionnaire and it was the 3 factors of demographic characteristic, 6 factors of identification, 24 factors of corporate reputation and 3 factors of brand attitude. Survey data was processed by using SPSS WIN Ver 17.0 for exploratory factor analysis, simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. This result was as follows. Frist, identification was found to have an impact on corporate reputation. Second, identification was found to have an impact on brand attitude. Third, corporate reputation was found to have an impact on brand attitude.
The Creation Strategies of Taekwondo Education workforce infrastructure through Military Personnel System Analysis 군 인사제도 분석으로 본 군 태권도 교육인력 창출 방안
55(5) 501-510, 2016
The Creation Strategies of Taekwondo Education workforce infrastructure through Military Personnel System Analysis 군 인사제도 분석으로 본 군 태권도 교육인력 창출 방안
The key challenge of the current government is definitely job creation. the world of korean sports ere discussing in job creation. Viewed from this atmosphere, the military Taekwondo jobs world renown is meaningful process. In to find a solution, This study tries to find creation way of Taekwondo specialist with careful analysis of the military personnel management system. To this end, the utilization of the expert Delphi - AHP analysis results are as follows : For creating military Taekwondo personnel, this study suggests a key military personnel to reform the current system. Detail new established policy contents is specifically Military Taekwondo occupational specialty, to manage secure promotion of professional Taekwondo education,“Kukkiwon”special recruitment of the best dispatched instructor, and Military Taekwondo specialist. To this end, the Defense Department and the World Taekwondo Headquarters “Kukkiwon” should be fulfilled by the mutual agreement. In addition, the two institutions must have to hold periodic group discussions taekwondo development to realize Taekwondo professional military personnel as soon as possible.
Key Words
Job Creation, military Taekwondo job, Delphi- AHP analysis, Military personnel system, Military Taekwondo specialist
Multiple Group Analysis between Self-Management and Performance of The University Taekwondo Competition players According to Maturity 성숙도에 따른 대학태권도 겨루기 선수의 자기관리와 경기력 간의 다중집단분석
55(5) 511-528, 2016
Multiple Group Analysis between Self-Management and Performance of The University Taekwondo Competition players According to Maturity 성숙도에 따른 대학태권도 겨루기 선수의 자기관리와 경기력 간의 다중집단분석
The purpose of this study was to identify the causal relationship and model between self-management, and performance of the players of Taekwondo competition according to maturity. The subjects of this study were 172 players who had experiences of Taekwondo competition by using SPSS 18.0 and AMOS 18.0 programs. To perform this empirical study, the data for the present study were collected from one firms through questionnaire and all measures were self-administrated by respondents. To analyze this data, reliability test and factor analysis was employed to test the reliability and validity, and correlation analysis was adopted to analyze the relationship between variables, and structural equation model analysis was used to identify the impact of maturity of Teakwondo competition players on self-management and performance. The questionnaires for the maturity had been developed by Yoo(2006) and Lee(2006), self-management had been developed by Kim(2011), Kim(2003) and Hye(2003), and performance had been developed by Yang(2012), Park(2004), and Chae(2010). The results were summarized as follow. H1-1, it was showed that mental self-management has a significant positive influence on performance. H1-2, it was showed that interpersonal self-management has a significant influence on performance. H2-1, it was showed the difference that self-management has a significant positive influence on performance according to high group and low group of perform maturity. H2-2, it was showed the difference that self-management has a significant positive influence on performance according to high group and low group of psychological maturity.
Key Words
Teakwondo competition, self-management, performance, structural equation model analysis
The Effect of University Student`s Leisure Experience on Leisure Competence and Career Preparation Behavior 대학생의 여가경험이 여가유능감 및 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향
노용구NohYong-koo , 윤영선YoonYoung-sun , 안동수AnDong-su
55(5) 529-538, 2016
The Effect of University Student`s Leisure Experience on Leisure Competence and Career Preparation Behavior 대학생의 여가경험이 여가유능감 및 진로준비행동에 미치는 영향
노용구NohYong-koo , 윤영선YoonYoung-sun , 안동수AnDong-su
The purpose of this study was to examine for finding out factors which have an effect on the Relationship Between leisure activities experience and Further Career Choices of the College Students. The survey was conducted from march to june 2016, The objects of study are a total of 563 students. Located in the seoul city of K and D, H, K of the Gyeonggido Province were randomly sampled. From each students were given a questionnaires. These questionnaires were analyzed by with the tools of SPSS WIN(21.0)program. The result of this study can be summarized as follows: First, after studying the Influence of The Factor of leisure experience on the self-confidence, deviation and social relationships, it shows that it has a significant influence on the positive to social, physical and cognitive leisure competence as the subfactors of leisure competence. Second, after studying the Influence of The Factor of leisure experience on the self-confidence, deviation and social relationships, it shows there to be a positive effect on the Self-Understanding Behavior, Improvement of Occupational Performance ability and Career Exploration Behavor as the subfactors of career preparation behavior. The relationship between recognition of a sense of effectiveness and Career Exploration Behavor has a negative influence. Third, the self-confidence its all of the subfactors had positive influence on career preparation behavior which are all of the sub-area.
Key Words
Leisure Experience, Leisure Competence, Career Preparation Behavior, University Student
The Relationship between Leisure Involvement of Camping Participants and Leisure Constraints Negotiation 캠핑참여자의 여가활동관여도와 여가제약협상의 관계
최현욱ChoiHyun-wook , 서광봉SuhKwang-bong
55(5) 539-548, 2016
The Relationship between Leisure Involvement of Camping Participants and Leisure Constraints Negotiation 캠핑참여자의 여가활동관여도와 여가제약협상의 관계
최현욱ChoiHyun-wook , 서광봉SuhKwang-bong
The purpose of the study was to verify the relationship between leisure activity involvement of camping participants and leisure constraint negotiation. The study conducted a research survey through convenient sampling method aimed at visitors of 3 auto camping place located in Gyunggi area during April 2015. 300 questionnaires distributed and 282 were selected as final valid sample. Then data were analyzed through frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Window ver 18.0. The results were as follows. First, perception of pleasure / importance had positive influence on Changing Interpersonal Relation, time and finance management, changing interpersonal relations of leisure constraints negotiation. Second, perception of self-expression had positive effect on all factors of leisure constraints negotiation. Third, perception of risk had positive influence on time and finance management, changing interpersonal relations, charging energy, controlling intensity, skills acquisition of leisure constraints negotiation.
A Study on Relationship between Work Life Balance and a Sense of Happiness of Leisure Sports Participants 여가스포츠 참가자의 일과 삶의 균형(WLB)이 행복감에 미치는 영향 연구
55(5) 549-557, 2016
A Study on Relationship between Work Life Balance and a Sense of Happiness of Leisure Sports Participants 여가스포츠 참가자의 일과 삶의 균형(WLB)이 행복감에 미치는 영향 연구
This study was intended to verify the relationship among Work Life Balance(WLB), A sense of happiness and leisure sports participation adherence intention of leisure sports participants. To achieve the goal, set up the research model with Work Life Balance(WLB), A sense of happiness and leisure sports participation adherence intention. A number of 327 questionnaires were conducted by leisure sports participants. This research adopted frequency analysis, reliability analysis and correlation analysis with SPSS 18.0 and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model with AMOS 18.0. The result are as follows: First, all of sub factor of work-life balance had significant effect on psychological satisfaction of a sense of happiness. Second, work-leisure and work-overall life balance had significantly effect on self acception of a sense of happiness. Third, psychological satisfaction of a sense of happiness had significant effect on leisure sports participation adherence intention. In conclusion, to enhance the happiness, work and life balance is prerequisite and closer investigation of role of leisure sports to make better equilibrium of work and lilfe is needed.
Key Words
work life balance(WLB), a sense of happiness, leisure sports participants, leisure sports participation adherence intention
An Analysis of Priority Assessment on Policy Factor for Revitalization of Out-Leisure Sports Event 아웃레저스포츠 이벤트 활성화를 위한 정책요인의 우선순위 산정
This study aims to deduce weighted value of policy factors drawn through AHP for revitalization of out-leisure sports event which has a positive effect on personal function and national industry aspect and then, to suggest a policy to be preferentially implemented in the future. For this, determination of priority was conducted using policy factors researched by Kim, Min-Kyu, Park, Byung-Kwon and Park, Soo-Jung(2015). Analysis result is as follows. It is required to preferentially consider following; first, the class 1 was policy factor; second, sub-class of the class 2 was policy development-related factor; third, infra factor sub-class of the class 2 was player support-related factor; fourth, operation factor sub-class of the class 2 was PR-related factor; fifth, policy factor sub-class of the class 2 was policy development-related factor; sixth, determination of priority as per facility-related factor in the class 3 was establishment of professional course; seventh, determination of priority as per player support-related factor in the class 3 was to foster professional leaders; eighth, determination of priority as per planning-related factor in the class 3 was contest attraction plan as per respective object; ninth, determination of priority as per processing-related factor in the class 3 was establishment of collaboration system between administrative agencies; tenth, determination of priority as per processing-related factor in the class 3 was establishment of relevant information transmission system; eleventh, determination of priority as per policy development-related factor in the class 3 was support policy development of contest operation by local governments; twelfth, determination of priority as per professional leader fostering and development-related factor in the class 3 was to foster policy-related professional leaders. Result of this study will give a help to development of policy keynote, development of policy, development of policy project, organic combination of study, and expansion of its realm.
Dance Teaching Strategy Based on the ARCS of Motivational Design: Focusing on Subjects Connected Dance Instructional Model in School 학교무용의 교수전략에서 ARCS 학습동기 모델의 적용가능성: 교과연계 융합형 무용 수업모형을 중심으로
김지영JiYoungKim , 이동현DongHyunLee
55(5) 575-591, 2016
Dance Teaching Strategy Based on the ARCS of Motivational Design: Focusing on Subjects Connected Dance Instructional Model in School 학교무용의 교수전략에서 ARCS 학습동기 모델의 적용가능성: 교과연계 융합형 무용 수업모형을 중심으로
김지영JiYoungKim , 이동현DongHyunLee
The purpose of this study is to examine motivational instructional design and strategy of subjects connected dance teaching in school. For this, the study selected total 13 dance teaching artists as research participants and conducted qualitative research on dance teaching experience based on identification of focus and areas, design, implementation and assessment according to model of Mill(2011). As a result, the study drew dance teaching strategies motivating learning in school in each area of attention (i.e., perceptual arousal, inquiry arousal, & variability), relevance (i.e., goal orientation, motive matching, & familiarity), confidence (i.e., learning requirements, successful opportunities, & personal responsibility) and satisfaction (i.e., intrinsic reinforcement, external rewards, & equity). For this, knowledge of subjects and process of organizing dance activity are prerequisite and cooperative teaching strategy is also required. And further, the study found that it is important to induce motivations in the simultaneous and circulative ways and that actual classrooms require instructional design and implementation, applying not only the ARCS elements also characteristics of education field, dynamics and flexibility. This study was able to confirm the applicability of motivational design theory of Keller(1983) and the ARCS model in learner-oriented dance teaching practices.
Key Words
dance teaching in school, teaching strategy, motivational design, Keller`s ARCS model, qualitative research
The Structural Relationship between the Type of Teaching Behaviors Perceived by College Students` Participating in Liberal Dance Classes, Lecture concentration and Continuous Participation Intention 교양댄스수업 참가자가 인식하는 교수행동과 수업몰입 및 지속적 참여의도의 구조관계
정문미JungMoon-mi , 원영신WonYoung-shin , 이민규LeeMin-kyu
55(5) 593-604, 2016
The Structural Relationship between the Type of Teaching Behaviors Perceived by College Students` Participating in Liberal Dance Classes, Lecture concentration and Continuous Participation Intention 교양댄스수업 참가자가 인식하는 교수행동과 수업몰입 및 지속적 참여의도의 구조관계
정문미JungMoon-mi , 원영신WonYoung-shin , 이민규LeeMin-kyu
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of teaching behaviors perceived by college students` participating in liberal dance classes on learning motivation and continuous participation intention. The main target audience of this research is college students who participate in liberal dance classes in five universities in Seoul and Gyeonggi. By using purposive sampling among non probability sampling, totally 330 papers had been distributed, and 314 questionnaires had been used for practical analysis. The data process was performed by frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, reliability analysis, structural equation modeling. The results were as follows: First, teaching behaviors perceived by college students` participating in liberal dance classes had a significant effect on learning motivation. Secondly, teaching behaviors perceived by college students` participating in liberal dance classes had a significant effect on continuous participation intention. Lastly, learning motivation perceived by college students` participating in liberal dance classes had a significant effect on continuous participation Intention. Lastly, there was the mediating effect of learning motivation was inspected in the relationship between teaching behaviors perceived by college students’ participating in liberal dance classes and continuous participation intention.
Key Words
College Students` Participating in Liberal Dance Classes, Teaching Behaviors, Learning Motivation, Continuous Participation Intention
Examining a Reliability and Validity of the Body and Appearance Self-Conscious Emotions Scale (BASES) among University Dance Students 무용전공 대학생의 신체-외모 자기지각 정서척도(BASES)의 신뢰도와 타당도 검증
55(5) 605-618, 2016
Examining a Reliability and Validity of the Body and Appearance Self-Conscious Emotions Scale (BASES) among University Dance Students 무용전공 대학생의 신체-외모 자기지각 정서척도(BASES)의 신뢰도와 타당도 검증
The purpose of present study was to examine a reliability and cross-validity of the Korean version of the Body and Appearance Self-Conscious Emotion Scale (BASES: Castonguay, Sabiston, Crocker, & Mack, 2014). A sample of 30 university dance students (3 males, 27 females) participated in the test of a temporal stability of the Korean version of BASES. For testing its cross-validity, 411 dance students (35 males, 376 females) completed a set of questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlation, component factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and multi-group confirmatory analysis. The results of internal consistency analysis and test-retest reliability indicated that the consistency and stability of the four sub-scales (shame, guilt, authentic pride, and hubristic pride) were excellent. The four factor solution with 15 items was a good fit in confirmatory factor analysis (Χ2=301.84, df=84, p=.001, Q=3.59, CFI=.932, TLI=.915, RMSEA=.080). The result of multi-group analysis showed that the measurement weights and residuals were invariant across the group, but structual covariance was significantly variant across the group. These findings suggest that the Korean version of BASES may be a useful instrument in measuring university dance students`body and appearance-related emotions, but also contribute to body image and eating behavior research.
Key Words
dance education, cross-validity, invariance, body and appearance self-conscious emotion, BASES, eating behavior
Integration of the Korea Sport System: Feasibility of the Canadian LTAD framework 캐나다 Long-Term Athlete Development(LTAD) 고찰을 통한 국내 스포츠시스템의 통합모델과 운영방안
In March 26th, 2016, two major sport organizations of South Korea, Korean Olympic Committee and the Korean Council of Sports for All, have merged with the ultimate goal of improving health and wellness among Korean people through sport and physical activity participation. Integration of sport system intended to shift the paradigm from “old” to “new”, and can be a catalyzer to promote Korea as a developed nation with the delivery of quality sport. This study critically reviewed the Canadian Sport for Life-Long-Term Athlete Development (CS4L-LTAD) which serves as a platform to integrate and operate sport organizations in Canada, and discussed the feasibility and adaptability of CS4L-LTAD in the Korean context. This study also introduced Integrated Model for Korea Sport System developed based on the CS4L-LTAD framework, and addressed key strategies that will drive to the successful implementation of the model. The Integrated Model for Korea Sport System offers ways to improve the quality of sport and physical activity for all Koreans by linking sport, recreation, physical education, and health, and by aligning programs and services across different settings: school, elite, and community sports. The recent restructure and redesign of Korea sport system will play vital roles in promoting the overall welfare of all Koreans, regardless of one’s sex, age, disability, and sociodemographic status by providing inclusive, ethical, and holistic framework that is appropriate for the Korea sport system.
Key Words
Sport for All, integration, collaboration, paradigm shift, CS4L-LTAD
Enhancement of Policy Effectiveness for Exercise Specialist as Physical Education Directors in Public Health Care 체육분야 국가자격증의 실효성 제고방안 연구(Ⅱ) : 보건의료분야에서 건강운동관리사의 효율적 활용방안
Enhancement of Policy Effectiveness for Exercise Specialist as Physical Education Directors in Public Health Care 체육분야 국가자격증의 실효성 제고방안 연구(Ⅱ) : 보건의료분야에서 건강운동관리사의 효율적 활용방안
The purpose of this study was to provide the reference for enhancement of policy effectiveness which the exercise specialist as physical education directors has to work in fields of public health care. 131 research participants were selected by simple random sampling(men 110 and women 21). Also they were 41 exercise specialist and 90 physician. The data was collected through in-depth interview, and focus group interview with 10 exercise specialist. The contents of question were current problem and future improvement of physical education directors. The results of this study are as follows. In order to enhancement of policy effectiveness in fields of public health care, this certification must meet the qualifying examination system based on the assessment criteria of health care field and continuing education system, and also first priority is legal improvement related in physical education promotion and health promotion preferentially. Additionally, it is necessary for long-term public relations planning to improve awareness provision and reliability in this certification.
Key Words
policy effectiveness enhancement, exercise specialist, physical education director, public health care
Endurance Training Alters Mitochondrial Biogenic Response In Skeletal Muscle Of Type 2 Diabetic Mice 제 2형 당뇨쥐의 골격근에서 지구성 훈련에 의한 미토콘드리아 생합성 반응 변화
여효성YeoHyo-seong , 김효정KimHyo-jeong
55(5) 645-655, 2016
Endurance Training Alters Mitochondrial Biogenic Response In Skeletal Muscle Of Type 2 Diabetic Mice 제 2형 당뇨쥐의 골격근에서 지구성 훈련에 의한 미토콘드리아 생합성 반응 변화
여효성YeoHyo-seong , 김효정KimHyo-jeong
This study was performed to investigate the effect of endurance training on mitochondrial biogenesis depending on muscle type in type 2 diabetic mice. Twelve db/db mice were classified into exercise training group (n=6) and control group (n=6). Mice in exercise training group ran on the rodent treadmill at 12m/min for 12 weeks (1h/d, 5d/w). Soleus (slow) and extensor digitorum longus (fast) muscles were obtained to observe the response of mitochondrial biogenesis. AMPK, PGC-1α, NRF-1, mtTFA, COX-IV protein expressions were analyzed by western blotting. PGC-1α(116%), NRF-1(127%), and mtTFA(39%) protein in soleus muscle were higher than those in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle (p<.01), presenting the intrinsic difference between muscle types. In soleus muscle, the endurance training increased phospho/total AMPK(51%, p=.001), PGC-1α(65%, p=.008), mtTFA(32%, p=.027) protein with non-significant change of NRF-1(p=.379) and COX-IV(p=.181) expression. In EDL muscle, only mtTFA protein was increased by the training (27%, p=.048). These results demonstrate that the endurance training leads the improvement of mitochondrial biogenic response in db/db mice and the effect is more clear in slow soleus than fast EDL muscle.
Key Words
type 2 diabetes, endurance exercise, mitochondrial biogenesis, skeletal muscle
The Effect of the Soft Tissue Mobilization Technique on Muscle Activity to Sprinter with Crouching Start 연부조직 가동화 기법이 단거리 육상선수의 크라우칭 스타트시 근활성도에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this research was to examine the effect of the soft tissue mobilization technique on muscle activity to sprinter with hamstring injury as releasing and removing the adhesion phenomenon to recover muscular functions. For this study, the researcher selected 16 sprinters with hamstring injury at the H-University and then randomly divided them into two groups; soft tissue mobilization technique group by hand treatment and soft tissue mobilization technique group by tool treatment. The researcher used the statistical program SPSS Version 21.0 for this analysis by using One-way Anova and Scheffe as post-hoc. As a result, this study found that the soft tissue mobilization technique was efficient to recover the muscle activity of hamstring injury with scar after injury. Furthermore this analysis explained soft tissue mobilization technique by tool treatment was helpful to release in cross connection with muscular fascia and to extend working range of muscular as acting a strong stimulus with less power.
Effects of the Implementation of a Daily Living Function Improvement Program on the Cognitive Function of the Elderly with Mild Dementia and Heavy Metal Content in their Hair 일상생활기능향상 프로그램 실시가 경증치매 노인의 인지기능과 모발 중금속 함량에 미치는 영향
정진협JeongJin-hyup , 남상남NamSang-nam
55(5) 667-674, 2016
Effects of the Implementation of a Daily Living Function Improvement Program on the Cognitive Function of the Elderly with Mild Dementia and Heavy Metal Content in their Hair 일상생활기능향상 프로그램 실시가 경증치매 노인의 인지기능과 모발 중금속 함량에 미치는 영향
정진협JeongJin-hyup , 남상남NamSang-nam
This study aims to investigate the effects of the implementation of a daily living function improvement program on the cognitive function of the elderly with mild dementia in their 60s and 70s and a change in heavy metal content in their hair, and the results of research drawn by dividing the subjects into a group for which a program was implemented for eight weeks and a control group are summarized as follows: As a result of a measurement of cognitive function, the score for cognitive function was high after eight weeks in both groups, but there was a statistically significant difference in the group for which the program was implemented (p<.05), and in a comparison between the two groups, too, there was a statistically significant difference (p<.05). As a result of a measurement of heavy metal content in hair, mercury (Hg) content decreased after eight weeks in both groups while there was no statistically significant difference, and there was no significant difference between the groups, either. Lead (Pb) decreased in the group for which the program was implemented while it increased in the control group, and there were no statistically significant differences between the groups and between the times. Aluminum (Al) increased after eight weeks in both groups, and there were there were no statistically significant differences between the groups and between the times. There were no significant differences in Cadmium (Cd), also, between the groups and between the times. From the above results, it is judged that the daily living function improvement program implemented in this study had positive effects on the improvement of cognitive function of the elderly with dementia, but it did not have any big effect on a change in heavy metal content in hair. Thus, it is judged that analyzing the change in heavy metal content in hair by a more long-term planning and the implementation of a highly intensive program in the follow-up studies will be helpful for the results of research on the change in heavy metal content in the body by a physical activity, for which there is still a great diversity of opinion.
Key Words
Daily Living Function Imprvement Program, Cognitive Function, Heavy Metal Content in Hair, Elderly with Mild Dementia
Development of a Model to Estimate Body Fat Percentage using Decision-Tree Analysis 의사결정나무 분석을 이용한 체지방률 추정모형 개발
문준배 Junbae Mun , 김헌태 Heontae Kim , 류승호 Seungho Ryu , 강민수 Minsoo Kang
55(5) 675-685, 2016
Development of a Model to Estimate Body Fat Percentage using Decision-Tree Analysis 의사결정나무 분석을 이용한 체지방률 추정모형 개발
문준배 Junbae Mun , 김헌태 Heontae Kim , 류승호 Seungho Ryu , 강민수 Minsoo Kang
Body fat percentage(BF%) prediction models have been widely used; however, most of the prediction models rely on complex equations that may be impractical for everyday use. Therefore, decision tree(DT) analysis was applied to develop a user-friendly model to estimate BF%. Data(age ≥ 19 years; n = 7,161) from the 2009 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) were divided into 80% training and 20% testing splits. Multiple DTs were constructed using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry(DEXA) measured BF% and anthropometrics and demographics variables in training split. A parsimony DT with the lowest risk estimate was selected. The accuracy of the chosen DT was evaluated by R2 and root mean square error(RMSE) against BF% measured by DEXA in testing split. The best model for estimation of BF% was a DT consisting of 5 levels and 4 predictors(risk estimate = 13.98; # of terminal nodes = 21). BF% estimated by the DT accounted for 73% of the variation in criterion-measured BF% with a RMSE of 4.03%. The new model using DT analysis to estimate BF% had moderate R2 and small RMSE in a national representative sample of Korean adults. In addition, BF% can be estimated much easier by following the DT map (i.e., flowchart) compared with other equation models.
Effects of Acute Caffeine Ingestion on Aerobic/Anaerobic Capacity and Isokinetic Muscular Function in Collegiate Soccer Players 일회성 카페인 섭취가 남자 대학교 축구선수의 유·무산소성 운동능력과 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향
Effects of Acute Caffeine Ingestion on Aerobic/Anaerobic Capacity and Isokinetic Muscular Function in Collegiate Soccer Players 일회성 카페인 섭취가 남자 대학교 축구선수의 유·무산소성 운동능력과 등속성 근기능에 미치는 영향
The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of acute ingestion of caffeine on aerobic/anaerobic capacity and isokinetic muscular function. Eighteen collegiate soccer players were randomly assigned into caffeine group (n=9) or placebo group (n=9). All subjects participated in pre-test without caffeine ingestion for four days. Subjects in caffeine group ingested caffeine capsule one hour before post test, whereas subjects in placebo group ingested placebo (cellulose) capsule at the same time point. Caffeine or placebo was ingested by double blind method, and the amount of ingestion was 6 mg per 1 kg of body weight. Main dependant variables were anaerobic capacity, aerobic capacity, and isokinetic muscular function. Main results were as follows: 1) Counter movement jump was significantly improved in caffeine group. 2) Peak power, average power, and lowest power obtained from the Wingate test were significantly improved in caffeine group. 3) Time to exhaustion measured during the maximal graded exercise test was significantly increased in caffeine group. 4) Peak torque, peak torque per body weight, total work, and total work per body weight of non-dominant knee measured at 60°·sec-1 were significantly improved in caffeine group. It was concluded that acute caffeine ingestion would contribute for improving anaerobic and aerobic capacity in male soccer players.
The effect of SPARK M-SPAN track and field classes on amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity in middle school students SPARK M-SPAN(Middle School Physical Activity and Nutrition)을 적용한 중학교 육상수업의 신체활동 증진 효과 분석
이규일LeeGyu-il , 신민철ShinMin-chul , 박재영ParkJae-young
55(5) 699-708, 2016
The effect of SPARK M-SPAN track and field classes on amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity in middle school students SPARK M-SPAN(Middle School Physical Activity and Nutrition)을 적용한 중학교 육상수업의 신체활동 증진 효과 분석
이규일LeeGyu-il , 신민철ShinMin-chul , 박재영ParkJae-young
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of SPARK M-SPAN track and field classes on amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity(MVPA) in middle school students. 4 middle school class were participated in this study(2 Class - SPARK, 2 class - control), during 12 weeks we investigated amount of physical activity and type of students activity using 3 dimensional accelerometer and SOFIT tool. The results was as following in this study, MVPA was significantly increased in SPARK class than control class, while low intensity activity decreased. Non activity was decreased in male students in SPARK class, but moderate and very vigorous activity were increased. In contrast, only non activity and moderate activity were significantly different in female student in SPARK class. Also, about activity type in SPARK class, standing was decreased, very vigorous activity was increased than in control class. There was different result, increasing very vigorous activity in male students but decreasing standing activity in female students. Thus, according to the results, this study showed that SPARK M-SPAN track and field classes is more effective method to promotion MVPA than classic classes. But the results of sex difference showed that it is necessary to investigate more effective SPARK M-SPAN method according to the sex.
Key Words
SPARK M-SPAN 프로그램, 중-고강도 신체활동, 육상 수업, 가속도계, SOFIT
Effects of joint constraint on quiet standing posture 관절제한이 정적직립자세에 미치는 영향
우병훈WooByung-hoon , 설정덕SulJeong-dug
55(5) 709-718, 2016
Effects of joint constraint on quiet standing posture 관절제한이 정적직립자세에 미치는 영향
우병훈WooByung-hoon , 설정덕SulJeong-dug
The purpose of this study was to investigated into the displacement of COM and COP, CV(displacement of COM and COP) during quiet standing posture on constraint of joint. Nine subjects were participated in the experiment(age: 24.50±2.57 yrs, height: 177.50±2.93 cm, weight: 68.33±5.19 kg). There are four condition of joint constraints using splint and compression bandage(no constraint, constraint of knee, constraint of hip, constraint of trunk). The study method adopted 3D analysis with six cameras and ground reaction force with two force-plates. The results were as follows; In displacement of COM, CH and CT showed larger forward displacement of COM in AP direction. NC, CK, and CT was larger in order of the forward displacement of COM in ML direction, and CH were larger forward displacement of COM than CT. In trajectories of COP, NC, CK and CT showed larger forward trajectories of COP in right foot. In CV of COM, there was larger CV during CT in ML direction. In all of condition, AP direction of the CV was higher than the ML direction of the CV. In CV of COP, there was larger CV druing CH and CT in AP and ML direction of right foot, and there was larger CV during CT in AP direction of both foot. In all of condition, AP direction of the CV was higher than the ML direction of the CV.
Key Words
quiet standing posture, balance, joint constraint, center of pressure, center of mass
Effects of Core Muscles Exercise on the Balance and Stability of V-sit in the Floor Exercise of Gymnastics 코어근육 훈련이 기계체조 마루운동 V자 버티기 동작의 균형성과 안정성에 미치는 효과
윤창선YoonChangsun , 류시현YooSihyun , 윤석훈YoonSukhoon
55(5) 719-727, 2016
Effects of Core Muscles Exercise on the Balance and Stability of V-sit in the Floor Exercise of Gymnastics 코어근육 훈련이 기계체조 마루운동 V자 버티기 동작의 균형성과 안정성에 미치는 효과
윤창선YoonChangsun , 류시현YooSihyun , 윤석훈YoonSukhoon
The purpose of this study was to investigate of effects of core muscle exercise on the balance and stability of V-sit in the floor exercise of gymnastics. Ten current university gymnasts were recruited and they were divided into same number of two groups(TG: training group and CG: control group). CG(age: 20.7±0.8 years, height: 167.4±4.6 cm, body weight: 63.4±4.4 kg, career: 11.6±1.5 years) performed regular gymnastic training while TG(age: 20.3±0.5 years, height: 172.4±4.0 cm, body weight: 67.4±6.5 kg, career: 11.8±1.8 years) performed additional a 8-week core muscle exercise. To achieve this study goal, hip joint angle, shoulder joint angle, balance, and stability were selected as analysis variables. The significantly greater medio-lateral toe range and the ground reaction torque was found in TG after training period(p<.05). The significantly greater rmedio-lateral COM-BOS inclined angle was also found in TG after training period (p<.05). In conclusion, a 8-week core muscle exercise could help to improve the balance and stability of V-sit motion in the floor exercise of gymnastics
The Effects of 8-Weeks Gym-ball Exercise program on the Body Composition and Health-Related Physical fitness and plantar foot pressure on female students with Visual Impairments 8주간의 짐볼 운동프로그램이 시각장애 여학생의 신체구성과 건강관련체력 및 족저압에 미치는 효과
The Effects of 8-Weeks Gym-ball Exercise program on the Body Composition and Health-Related Physical fitness and plantar foot pressure on female students with Visual Impairments 8주간의 짐볼 운동프로그램이 시각장애 여학생의 신체구성과 건강관련체력 및 족저압에 미치는 효과
The aim of this study is to examine the effects of 8-weeks gym-ball exercise program on the body composition and health-related physical fitness and plantar foot pressure on female students with visual impairments. Gym-ball exercise program was conducted on 12 female middle, high school students with visual impairments with no previous experience in exercising with gym-ball by H School of Visually Impaired located in Seoul for 3 times a week for 8 weeks - the students were divided into a controlled group of 6 students and a non-controlled group of 6 students. analyze the data SPSS 18.0 using the mean and standard deviation, and variance analysis of repeated measurements on binary (two-way ANOVA repeated measures) to use the statistical processing. The following results were obtained. First, gym-ball exercise program has positive effect on the body composition (lean body mass, bone density) for female students with visual impairments. Second, gym-ball exercise program has positive effect on health-related fitness (body composition, muscular strength, muscle endurance, flexibility). Third, gym-ball exercise program reduced plantar foot pressures somewhat on forefoot and hindfoot from both left and right sides but it was not statistically significant. In conclusion, gym-ball exercise program has positive effects on the body composition and health-related physical fitness for female students with visual impairments meaning that it can be an effective program for students with visual impairments. In relation with plantar foot pressure, further studies on changes in posture according to plantar foot pressure through long-term and various degrees of physical exercises.
Key Words
Gym-ball exercise program, health-related physical fitness, plantar foot pressure, female students with visual impairments
Development and Validation of Fundamental Movement Skill Test for Young Children Aged 3-5 Years 만 3-5세 유아의 기본운동기술 검사 도구 개발 및 타당화 검증
백효현BaeckHyo-hyun , 전선혜JunSun-hye
55(5) 741-753, 2016
Development and Validation of Fundamental Movement Skill Test for Young Children Aged 3-5 Years 만 3-5세 유아의 기본운동기술 검사 도구 개발 및 타당화 검증
백효현BaeckHyo-hyun , 전선혜JunSun-hye
This study aimed to develop and validate a scale to measure the fundamental movement skills of Korean children aged 3 to 5 years. From precedent research and literature, the 3 domains of fundamental movement skills were selected: stability movement skills, locomotion movement skills, and manipulative movement skills. Next, the subfactors were adopted as a result of 3 times of delphi verification, and they constructed the first draft of the test. The data of 267 children who completed all the test which had been amended after the pilot study were used for the validity verification. Cronbach`s α test and Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA) were conducted to test the reliability and validity. Based on the analysis result, it was shown that each movement skill comprised 3 factors. The stability movement skills consisted of 3 factors of forward roll, one-foot standing, and beam walk. The locomotive movement skill included 3 factors of walking, horizontal jumping, and hopping. The manipulative movement skill was constructed of 3 factors of hitting, catching, and throwing. Those concept composition and measurement variables were proved valid and reliable. The test developed in this study will help to understand Korean children`s physical development process more deeply by providing more accurate assessments of young children``s movement skills.
Key Words
Children aged 3 to 5 years, developing a scale to measure the fundamental movement skills, validity verification
The Effects of Different Training Types on Index of Blood glucose Control and Pulmonary Functions in Elderly Women 운동형태의 차이가 여성노인의 혈당조절지표와 폐 기능에 미치는 영향
55(5) 755-765, 2016
The Effects of Different Training Types on Index of Blood glucose Control and Pulmonary Functions in Elderly Women 운동형태의 차이가 여성노인의 혈당조절지표와 폐 기능에 미치는 영향
This study aims to identify the most effective training type in a change in Body Composition, Index of Blood glucose Control, and Pulmonary Functions. To conduct an experiment, 35 Elderly Women with high incidence of diabetes whose blood HbA1c level is over 6.1% were divided into 9 in RTG, 9 in WTG, 9 in ATG, and 8 in CG. ANCOVA was conducted using SPSS 18.0 Progeam for data processing. In this study, we have shown that weight decreased significantly in WTG; Body fat percentage decreased significantly in RTG and WTG; Muscle mass increased significantly in RTG after exercise. Among groups, Weight was higher in RTG and WTG than CG; Body fat percentage was lower in WTG than RTG, WTG, and CG.HbA1c and Fructosamine in Index of Blood glucose Control decreased significantly in RTG, WTG, and ATG. Among groups, HbA1c and Fructosamine was lower in RTG, WTG, and ATG than CG. FVC, FEV1, MVV in Pulmonary Function Index increased significantly in RTG, WTG, and ATG. Among groups, FVC was higher in RTG, WTG, and ATG than CG; FEV1 was higher in RTG than WTG and CG. MVV was higher in RTG and WTG than ATG, and it was higher in ATG than in CG. The exercise in this study showed a positive effect on Index of Blood glucose Control and Pulmonary Functions. However, studies in which various types of Combined Exercise are applied will have to be continued to generalize the effect of the exercise.
Key Words
Index of Blood glucose Control, Pulmonary Functions, Elderly Women